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Breakfast With Christ - Death At Gethsemane




"Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will".

Welcome to BWC. Today, we take a look at events in the Garden of Gethsemane prior to Jesus' arrest.

One night, as Jesus was nearing His death on the Cross, He became sorrowful and deeply distressed (Matthew 26:37) so He took Peter, James and John to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Jesus was so sorrowful that an angel had to come and give Him strength(Luke 22:43). The Bible said His sweat was like a droop of blood. Our Lord was in agony.

In His agony, Jesus asked God to take away this "cup" from Him if it is possible. Some of us might be wondering why Jesus would pray this kind of prayer but that was Jesus showing us that He was fully human. After what seemed like a moment of weakness, Jesus did something we all need to learn from, He surrendered His Will to the Supreme Will of God, that was how Jesus died to the flesh in the Garden of Gethsemane.

For us to live in the Will of God, we need to die to our fleshy desires and surrender our will to the Will of God. God's Will is supreme. We have our own plans, God also has a plan for us, our prayer should be that the Will of God is done in our lives.

When we surrender to the Will of God, we die to ourselves and live in Jesus. God then controls our lives and we live to fulfill only His Will. So as Jesus did in the Gethsemane, let us surrender to God and ask His Will to be done in our lives. Stay blessed!

Prayer line:

Father, today, I surrender to you. Please let your supreme Will be done in my life. Amen

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