Breakfast With Christ - Seekers Of God
"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."
Are you a seeker of God or you just go to church? Are you a seeker of God or you just pray? Are you a seeker of God or you just read your Bible? How hungry are you for God? It is impossible to get to know God without looking for Him.
How much of your time do you give to God in a day? So many of us only get serious with God when we want something from Him. Many of us are not seeking God. We have no desire to know who God is.
God is only found by those who search for Him with all their hearts. This is what the Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 "for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". Are you a diligent seeker of God?
To be a true seeker of God, you must get hungry for God. You must be desperate to know God. You cannot pray only five minutes every day and say you want to know God. David said in Psalm 42:1 "As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God." Are you seeking God with all your soul?
For some of us, our prayers are full of "God give me this, God give me that". No. God is not just our supplier. He is the EL-SHADDAI. We must worship Him with all our being. We must seek Him diligently day and night.
There are many of us Christians who have no personal encounter with God. We don't even know who He is. That is why we live in doubt, fear and worry. We have not experienced God in His glory because we don't seek Him. We don't seek to know who He is.
We must move away from casual Christianity and get serious with our Maker. We must stop playing games with God and begin to seek Him earnestly. Many of us are not seeking God, we are only performing religious duties. Let's wake up, please.