Breakfast With Christ - Stay Awake
"Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. “Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?” he asked Peter."
Welcome to BWC. One day, before Jesus was arrested, He took three of His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He told them to wait for Him while He went further to pray in anguish. Surprisingly, when He came back, they were all asleep. These were three faithful disciples but even in the most difficult moment of Jesus' life, they couldn't stand with Him in prayer.
Jesus' reaction to their sleep meant that He fully expected them to stay awake with Him. Today, I want each one of us to ponder over a simple question, "Are you staying awake for Jesus or you are sleeping?" If Jesus should come back right now, will he find you asleep or awake? I am not talking about physically sleeping.
Just as Peter and the other two disciples couldn't stay awake for Jesus, most of us today too are spiritually sleeping. We have relaxed in our Christian walk with the Lord. For some of us, we are now more concerned about the things of this world than our relationship with God. Money and material things have become our god. We need to wake up.
Our Bibles only decorate our beds and tables in our rooms. Prayer has become an optional activity in our lives. We have surrounded ourselves with people who have no positive influence on us. *We are simply sleeping when the Lord expects us to be awake.
Brethren, we are living in a time that we cannot afford to relax. Now more than ever, we need to stay awake and take our relationship with God seriously. Our Lord expects us to stay awake and do His work. We no longer have much time.
Let's all do a self examination of our lives and see where we are failing or sleeping and let's wake up and repent. Today, Jesus expects us to live for Him and win souls for Him, unfortunately, most of us are sleeping. We need to wake up and take our salvation seriously.* May God help us.
Lord, please I am sorry for sleeping on my Christian duties. Please help me to stay awake for you. Amen