Breakfast With Christ - Which Voice Are You Listening To?
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me".
There are lots of negative voices around us. Voices that try to lead us into sin, voices that try to discourage us and voices that try to distract us from focusing on God. As believers, we need to be careful of the kind of voices we listen to.
Are you listening to that negative voice that is telling you; "you are nothing, you are a failure, nothing good can come out of you" or you are listening to the voice of God that tells you; you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you?* (Philippians 4:13)
Are you listening to that negative voice which is telling you your current health situation is going to kill you soon or you are listening to the voice of God that tells you He is the Lord that heals you? (Exodus 15:26)
Are you listening to that evil voice that is tying to keep you in sin by telling you _sinning is normal and that you can't be holy or you are listening to the voice of God that says "Be holy for I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16)
Are you listening to that negative voice that is telling you; "God doesn't care about you, God has abandoned you, He doesn't love you" or you are listening to the voice of Jesus that says "Lo I am with you always even to the end of time"? (Mathew 28:20)
Are you listening to that negative voice that tells you "your current situation is impossible to come out of, it is over for you, there is no way out" or you are listening to the voice of God that tells you "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me"?(Jeremiah 32:27)
So, I ask again, child of God, which voice are you listening to? To remain in the Lord, you need to listen only to the voice of God. The Word of God is the voice of God. If you focus on the negativity around you, you will always be discouraged and down.
God is enough for you. Focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. Focus on the voice of the Spirit of God in your life.