Breakfast With Christ - The Name Above All Names
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth".
Welcome to BWC. Names are significant in so many ways. Names have meaning. When the Saviour of the world was born, God gave Him the name "JESUS" (Matthew 1:21). Today, we take a look at the significance of the name "JESUS".
The name "Jesus" is the English version of the Greek name "Yesous". "Yesous" is the Geek version of the Hebrew name "Yeshua" which is translated "Joshua" in English. "Yeshua" is a popular Hebrew name which means "Saviour".
It is worth noting that our Lord wasn't the only person named "Jesus". The name was popular in those days. But the Lord was the only one named "Jesus Christ" in the Bible. "Christ" is a tittle for our Saviour which means "anointed or "Messiah". So Jesus the Christ.
The name "Jesus Christ" is so significant because of the power behind it. There is so much power in the name JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Himself gave believers the right to use His name in every situation(Mark 16:17). We are to operate in the name JESUS CHRIST.
The name "Jesus Christ" has the power to save souls from sin, the name has the power to heal any form of sickness, the name has the power to bind every demon. Demons, no matter how powerful they may be bow before the name "Jesus Christ".
When a believer speaks in the name of Jesus, it is like Jesus Himself speaking. That is the unique right a believer has. Every one who believes in Jesus Christ can use that name to do wonders. It is the name above every name.
Any time you call upon the name of Jesus, every negative situation has to end. We must pray in the name of Jesus. We must heal the sick in the name of Jesus. We must cast out demons in the name of Jesus. There is so much power in the name of Jesus when used with faith.