Breakfast With Christ - One Day
The Book of Revelation reveals what will happen at the end of time. In Chapter 21, John saw the things that will happen after the judgement of God is complete. One thing is sure: every Christian who dies in the Lord will have a glorious future after death.
One day, all the things on this earth will end. All the evil will cease. All the sicknesses will be over. Money, wealth and fame won't matter anymore. There will be great silence upon the face of the earth. We shall all appear before God on His Judgement Throne.
One day, all the struggles will end. One day, everything will make sense. Those who spent all their lives rejecting Jesus Christ will find out their fate. Those who believed the lies that Heaven and earth don't exist will also find out their fate.
Does God exist? Does God not exist? One day, all these questions will be settled because we will all meet God when we die. One day, those who mocked and scorned the believers for their faith in God will also know their eternal destiny.
One day, the believers who held on to their faith in God despite all the temptations will receive the crown of life when they meet the faithful God. One day, the believers who walked with God in obedience and holiness will have their eternal reward.
Child of God, one day, God will reward you for your faith. God will reward you for spreading His word. He will reward you for your service to His Kingdom. God will reward you for rejecting the attractions of this world and choosing to live for Him.
One day, all your struggles will make sense. Don't give up. Don't envy sinners. Don't give in to the temptation to sin or disobey God. Flee from sexual immorality. Flee from idolatry. Give yourself wholly to God. Stand firm in the Lord.
Don't let the temporary pleasures of this life draw you away from your Maker. God is your Father, Jesus Christ is your Saviour and Heaven is your Home. You must strive to make it to your eternal home at all cost. Don't give up on God.