Breakfast With Christ - God Consciousness
"Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children"
God consciousness is the state of being constantly aware of the presence of God. We were created to worship God. Unfortunately, sometimes, we focus so much on the issues of life that we totally forget about God.
The issues of life have a way of distracting our attention away from God. We sometimes get so entangle with life's issues that we even forget to pray, read our Bibles or even worship God. But this shouldn't be so. We need to always be conscious of God's presence in our lives.
God has to be first in all we do. Pleasing God has to be our priority. When we are always conscious of God's presence, it keeps us away from falling for sin. When we are always focused on pleasing God, it takes away the desire to engage in carnal pleasure.
We need to be conscious of God in our families. A family that prays together stays together. God has to be the center of our families. Love, patience and peace are virtues that we need to practice in our families.
We also need to be conscious of God in our relationships. We need to develop Godly relationships. God has to be at the center of our relationships. Any relationship that doesn't glorify God is a sinful relationship. We need to abstain from all forms of sins in our relationships.
In our daily lives, at our work places and in our careers, we need to always be conscious of God. We don't need to cheat or cut corners to succeed in our careers. God has to be at the center of all we do. In our personal lives, we need to embrace the lifestyle of holiness and godliness. We need to live for God.