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Breakfast With Christ - The Heartbeat Of God




"From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

Welcome to BWC. What is the heartbeat of God? What about humanity is so important to God? A quick look through out the Bible reveals one thing: SALVATION. From Genesis to Revelations, there is nothing more important to God than the Salvation of souls.

Everything God did after the fall of Adam and Eve was to bring humanity back to Himself. God's plan of Salvation started with the Call of Abraham, it continued with the birth of a nation through Jacob(Israel) and it got climaxed through the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was a divine designed plan.

Nothing about humanity is more important to God than our salvation. God cares about our physical well being, but more importantly, He cares about our spiritual well-being. God wants us to be saved through Jesus Christ.

Salvation of souls is the heartbeat of God. Nothing moves Heaven more than a soul being saved(Luke 15:7). For this reason, God sacrificed His Son on the Cross so that those who believe in Him will be saved from their sins(John 3:16).

If you are reading this now, please know this, God wants you to be saved from your sins. God wants you to repent from your sins and come to Him. The penalty for rejecting Jesus Christ is eternal suffering in hell fire. But this isn't God's plan for you. God's plan is for you to go to Heaven when you die.

Please don't risk your salvation by remaining in sin. Sin has no benefits. There is no rest in peace after death if you don't make it to Heaven. Heaven is God's plan for you. You must be born again. You must work out your salvation now. God wants you to be saved.

Don't miss Heaven even for all the money in this world. It is not worth it. I want to encourage you to turn to God today. I want to encourage you to live for Jesus Christ. Sin is pleasurable but deadly. Your salvation is the heartbeat of God. Please be saved today.

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