Breakfast With Christ - Will You Also Go Away?
"Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”
But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Welcome to BWC. Today, we look at incident that happened between Jesus and His followers. One day, after preaching one of His most revealing sermons, Jesus lost so many of His disciples. The whole story is recorded in John 6:24-70. Please read it to get the full understanding of the story.
When Jesus realized that so many of His disciples had left because of His message, He asked the twelve Apostles if they also wanted to go away. Peter responded by affirming his faith in the Lord. His response is quoted in our scripture for today.
In our world today, there are lots of forces that are pushing us away from God. It is so easy to backslide today. A lot of people who were once committed believers have sadly fallen away. There are lots of situations in this life that put our faith under pressure. It is a difficult time to be a faithful follower of Christ.
In the midst of all these, today, Jesus is asking you, "will you also go away?" So many of your friends may have fallen away and joined the world in disobeying God, they are trying to push you away from Jesus, but will you also go away? You are going through a difficult time, things are hard for you, you feel like giving up on God, but will you also go away?
Your relationship partner is pushing you to give in to sexual sin, you have tried hard not to do it, you are under real pressure, but will you also go away? Will you also go away when it becomes so difficult for you to stand for Christ? *Are you allowing the temporary attractions of this world to pull you from Jesus?
If you leave Jesus Christ, where will you go? Is life in the world better than life in Christ? Nothing in this world is worth your salvation and eternal life in Heaven. Please stand firm in your faith. Don't let anyone or anything pull you away from God. There is nothing this world can give you that God can't give you double portion of. Remain with Jesus, He is all you've got. Stay blessed.
Father, please help me to stand for you no matter how difficult it gets.