Breakfast With Christ - The Final Examination
"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad".
Welcome to BWC. In the area of education, before a student is graduated from one level to another, he/she is made to sit for an examination. For every examination, the most important stage is the preparation. A student who fails to prepare well for an examination is bound to fail the exams.
The only thing certain after birth is death. The only thing certain after death is God's judgement(Hebrews 9:27). We will ALL appear before God's judgement throne one day. This will be our final examination. This is unlike any examination we may have faced in our educational lives.
Life on earth is the period God has given us to prepare for this final examination. For each day God wakes us up, He is given us the opportunity to get our salvation right with Him. God gives us each day to prepare well for eternity. We must all be eternity conscious.
How well are you preparing for eternity? If you indeed believe there is a God, then you must certainly believe that our lives don't end after death. There is a place to go after we leave this existence. The question is; how well are you preparing for life after death?
Will the life you are living now guarantee you eternal rest in Heaven? Eternity is divided into two: Heaven & Hell. If you miss one, you can't miss the other. If you don't prepare well for eternity, you will be in for a great surprise when you die.
If you have breath today, please don't make the mistake of ignoring the issue of eternity. Please check your life. Have a self examination and consider your lifestyle today. What manner of life are you living? Do you live for yourself or you live for God? Is Jesus Christ part of your daily life?
The best way to prepare for our final examination is to get to know Jesus Christ and live for Him. Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Examination, if you have Him, you won't fail this final examination.
The greatest calamity to befall any man will be to die without Jesus Christ. Please don't let this be your story. Missing Heaven is an eternal mistake that can never be corrected, please don't make this mistake.
Give your life to Jesus whilst you can. Repent and live for Jesus whilst you still have breath. The final examination awaits all of us. Please prepare well.