Breakfast With Christ - Jesus, Our Personal Saviour
"Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life".
Welcome to BWC. Salvation is a personal thing. There are people who think being born into a Christian family makes them automatic Christians. No. Salvation is not genetically transferable. Being born into a church doesn't make you saved. The fact that your father is a Pastor doesn't mean you are automatically saved.
To be saved, is to receive Jesus Christ personally. You must make that all important decision to reject sin and accept the Lord into your life. You must accept you cannot save yourself. You need a personal Saviour.
It is very possible to be part of a church and not be born again. A lot of us think just going to church is enough. No. You must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. You could be the prayer leader, you could be the worship leader, you could be very active in the Church but you are not saved if you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ didn't die just to make us church goers. He died so that we could be saved. To be saved is to be washed with the Blood of Jesus and to live for Him. If you have been going to church but you have never made the decision to reject sin and accept Jesus into your life, you are NOT saved.
Jesus died for all of us. But we must all receive Him individually. It is an individual decision. It doesn't matter if your friends are living for God or not. The question is "are you living for God?" We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ and give account of our lives. It is not a group thing. It is an individual thing.
Everyone around you might be sinning, but you don't need to join them. You can choose to stand for God alone. God doesn't deal with crowds. He deals with us individually. The fact that everyone is doing it, isn't an excuse for you to do it too. You can be holy. You can live for God. Even if no one joins you.
So, are you saved? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Are you living for Him? Salvation is a personal decision. You must make this decision now. Going to church isn't your salvation. You must know Jesus personally.