Breakfast With Christ - Lord, Don't You Care?
"Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
Welcome to BWC. Many of us have at one point in time wondered if God truly cares for us. One day, Jesus was in a boat with His disciples when a storm arose. Jesus was asleep. The disciples got scared and woke Jesus up with this question; "Teacher, don't you care if we drown"?
Difficult moments have a way of exposing our faith or rather our lack of faith in God. When we are seriously sick or going through challenges, we often question God's love and faithfulness towards us. We always feel we deserve more from God.
"God, don't you care if I die from this sickness?", "God don't you care that I am unemployed?", "God, don't you care that I am suffering?" These are some of the questions that we ask God when we are in deep crisis. But are these questions justified?
This was Jesus' respond when He woke up from His sleep; "He said to his disciples, 'Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:40. Jesus was actually shocked at the disciples' lack of faith in Him.
When you are facing challenges, it isn't the time to doubt God's love, it is the time to put all your faith in God. The fact that God seems silent in your moment of trouble doesn't mean He doesn't care. Jesus was asleep in the boat but He was still Jesus Christ, the Lord of all creation. He was in full control.
Never doubt or question God's love for you. If He loved you so much to give up His own Son for you, then what can't He do for you? When God seems silent in your life, He is expecting you to trust Him and have faith. God loves you, He cares for you. He won't fail you.
Instead of worrying and asking God questions, let's place our trust in Him. When the storms are higher, let your faith in God go higher. When the pains are deep, go deeper in prayer. Never ever doubt God. There is nothing impossible for Him. God bless you!