Beware Of Satan's Deceptions
Satan, the god of darkness, has mastered the art of deception. He is cunning, he is tricky, he is the father of lies. He gets his victims by offering them a sinful bait. He knows where to hit them hard for them to fall. He is always looking for a door of opportunity to make you sin. BEWARE!
Satan is a fallen angel. He managed to drag one third of the angels of Heaven with him to revolt against God. He is the Master of deception. Lying is his nature. He never speaks any truth. He twists the instructions of God to suit his evil agenda. BEWARE!
Satan's mission statement is: to steal, to kill and to destroy his victims. So how does he get his victims? He offers them a sinful bait coated with pleasure. His sinful baits look good at the outside but they have deadly consequence. BEWARE!
Satan deceives us by playing on our inner desire for instant pleasure. He offers us things that will give us instant pleasure. When Satan gives you money, he is only luring you to hell. The god of darkness doesn't offer any free gift. He gives you something and takes away your soul. BEWARE!
Satan's favourite baits are money, sex, masturbation, pornography, alcohol and fame. All these give us instant pleasure. But have you paused to consider their long term consequences? Satan doesn't offer any free gifts. Nothing good comes from darkness. BEWARE!
Satan knows your weakness. He knows your issue with lust. So what does he do? He makes sexual videos, pictures and movies readily available to you as a bait to get you to commit a sexual sin against God. He knows you can't resist women, so he makes them available to you. He is the Master of deception. BEWARE!
When you decide to stop a sinful habit, that is when Satan tempts you more with those things. His only aim is to drag you to hell same way he dragged some of God's angels down with him. All the sins you are enjoying now are only chains dragging you to hell. Satan is a liar. BEWARE!
Satan also works on our emotions. He makes us feel God doesn't love us or care about us. He makes us feel God has forsaken us. He creates fear in us. He does this to further push us into sin. Fear is a chief deception tool of the devil. Fear isn't from God. BEWARE!
So what's the way out? God offers us a way to deal with the devil. "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you". Jesus already defeated Satan for us. He is a defeated enemy. To escape his deceptions, we need to resist him. We need to fill our hearts with the Word of God. We need to be steadfast in prayer.
Resist the devil. Don't negotiate sin with Satan. Satan doesn't offer any good deal. He is a liar. His highest reward for serving him faithfully is to kill you and dump you in hell. That's where he will torment you in a fire forever. That's all he wants. He doesn't have any good plans for you.
Draw close to God. Live for Jesus Christ. He is your Life. Resist the sinful baits of Satan and live in holiness. The wages of sin is still death. But God offers us salvation through Jesus Christ. Choose Jesus and be saved. There's no much time left. Choose Jesus now.