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Breakfast With Christ - What Are You Doing For God?




“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful".

Welcome to BWC. In our scripture for today, Jesus made an interesting comparison. Jesus compared Himself to a tree(vine) and His followers to branches of a tree(vine). Jesus expects every Christian to bear fruits. The question is: are you bearing fruit?

The next important thing to do after being born again is to bear fruits for God. A Christian who bears no fruit adds nothing to the Kingdom of God. Which fruits are you bearing for God? How is your life impacting others for God? What exactly are you doing for God?

Many a time, we deceive ourselves into thinking that just going to church for few hours on Sundays make God happy. No. Jesus Christ didn't sacrifice Himself only for us to become church goers. He needs us to bear fruits for His Kingdom. We need to be actively involved in building the kingdom of God.

A citizen of a country works hard for the progress of that country. As a citizen of Heaven, what are you doing for God's Kingdom. If you are born again, you are God's investment. An investment which is yielding no interest is a bad investment. God is expecting you to bear fruits for Him.

What we mostly have now are believers who are only interested in going to church on Sundays. Going to church is good, but just going to church doesn't meaning you are bearing fruits. To bear fruits is to use your life to positively impact the kingdom of God.

The most important way to bear fruit for God is to help spread His Gospel. When was the last time you told someone about Jesus Christ? Is your life drawing others to Christ? How are you using your talents to serve God? Many of us have ignored evangelism.

In John 15:2 Jesus has a warning for us. If we don't bear fruits, God will cut us off. That's a scary warning. Every branch/Christian who isn't bearing fruits is being cut off by God. The thing is God can cut you off from His Kingdom without you even knowing. We need to do something for God with our lives.

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