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Lot and his family were staying in the sinful twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. God sent an Angel to tell them to leave the city so that He could destroy it. The angel's instruction to Lot and his family was clear: "do not look back". Unfortunately, as they were escaping the city, Lot's wife looked back and she instantly turned into a pillar of salt.

So why did Jesus make reference to Lot's wife in talking about the end time in Luke 17:32?


Lot's wife's principal sin was that she disobeyed God's instructions. But why did she disobey? She was overly attached to her material possessions she was leaving behind in the city. Lot's wife turned back to look at all the comfort, the luxury life and all the friends she was leaving behind in the sinful city.

Jesus referred to this story to serve as a lesson for us. As Christians, we are not to love the things of this world. We are in the world but we are not supposed to be of the world. We are not supposed to be attached to the carnal things of this world.

A Christian is supposed to be separated from the world for God. It is impossible to love the world and at the same time love God. The "world" in this context refers to anything that is not of God. Any believer who is overly attached to this world is in danger of missing out on Heaven.


It was obvious that Lot's wife was more concerned about the sinful city God was destroying than obeying God's command. In these last days, as we journey on the narrow road to eternal life, we need to set our priorities right. God and God alone has to be our main priority.

Think about this; 5 years ago, you had clothes and other personal belongings that were so valuable to you. Where are they now? Within the last 5 years, you lost valuable friendships. Some of the people you were so close to 5 years ago, you hardly hear from them now. That is how the world is, nothing is permanent. All is vanity.

If everything in this world is vanity, why make this world your priority? All the things you value now won't matter in few years time. Why get so attached to these things at the expense of God? Remember Lot's wife. She made the same mistake and she was punished.

Some of us miss weekly church services just to watch a TV program at home. Instead of going to the house of God to worship on a Sunday, we will rather follow friends to play games. Some of us bend God's rules just to please our friends. Remember Lot's wife.

It is good to have money. But it is wrong to get attached to the money. When your physical possessions become more important to you than God, then you must repent. God must at all times be our priority. Nothing must take the place of God in our lives. Remember Lot's wife.

Remember Lot's wife who loved pleasure more than she loved God. Remember Lot's wife who loved her money more than she loved God. Remember Lot's wife who loved her comfort more than she loved God. Remember Lot's wife who loved her friends more than she loved God. Remember how Lot's wife disobeyed God and she was punished.

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