Breakfast With Christ - Ask. Seek. Knock.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you".
Welcome to BWC. Matthew 7:7 remains one of the most popular scriptures in the Bible. It is often quoted by many Christians and even non Christians. When Jesus told us to ask, seek and knock, what exactly did he mean?
Asking, seeking and knocking are all actions. To get something from God, we must ask Him. To find God, we must seek Him. To have closed doors and opportunities opened for us, we must knock.
Asking, seeking and knocking all explain one important ingredient in building a relationship with God: effort. Things simply don't happen, we must make an effort. Nothing will change in our lives if we simply fold our arms and sit down. Change requires an action.
We cannot ask, seek and knock if we don't have a relationship with God. To get things from God, we must establish a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. We must be born again. We must become children of God. What's the state of your relationship with God?
How do you ask God for healing if you have no relationship with Him? Do you have a personal relationship with God or you only visit Him on Sundays? One of the reasons we ask but we don't receive any answers is because we don't have any relationship with God.
Asking, seeking and knocking require faith. If we ask in doubt, we won't receive any answers. One reason our prayers don't get answered is because we don't even believe we will get answers. We pray from the position of doubt. We simply lack the belief and faith in God.
What do you need from God? Ask Him in faith and He shall grant it for you according to His Will. Seek Him and you shall find Him. Knock and He will open doors of opportunities for you. But remember, you must have a relationship with Him first.