Wake Up!
This is a call from our Lord Jesus Christ to His children who are spiritually sleeping or who have become lukewarm. The Lord is calling on us to wake up and do His work. The time to relax is long gone. This is the time to wake up and do the work of our Lord.
When was the last time you enagaged in personal fasting and prayer? When was the last time you spent at least 1 hour studying and meditating on the word of God? In fact, when was the last time you spent at least 1 hour with God alone? Why have you allowed the cares of this world to take your time away from your Saviour? Please wake up now!
Remember when you were so serious with God. You had deep love for the presence of God. You hated sin. Pleasing God was your priority. You had the passion, the desire and the enthusiasm to do God's work. What happened to you? Where is your love and passion for God? Please wake up. Time is running out.
You used to spend most of your time praying at night, now you spend all your evening watching TV or with your phone. You hardly even pray. Your Bible is permanently closed. You have filled your life with the things of this world. Please wake up.
Why do you sit idle whiles souls are perishing every second. Don't you care that people are going to perish in hell? If you can't preach like Peter, if you can't pray like Elijah, you can at least tell someone about Jesus Christ. This is God's word to you; wake up from thy slumber.
For those of us who say we are Christians but still flirt with the world, the Lord is calling us to wake up and choose our path now. We are in the world but we are not supposed to be of the world. Light and darkness cannot have a relationship. We need to die to this world now and be alive in Christ. God demands our faithfulness.
Let's stop playing games with God. God cannot be mocked. Let's wake up and get serious with God now. Nothing in this world is worth sacrificing your eternal destiny for. Wake up from your spiritual slumber and get serious with God whilst you still can. Time is running out. The clock is ticking. The day of the Lord is at hand.
Wake up child of God and return to your first love. Don't allow friends and the things of this world to draw you away from God. Eternity is too long to miss Heaven. Don't play games with your salvation. You have relaxed for too long. You have been away for too long. It is time to come back to your Saviour. Wake up, please. Jesus is calling you.