Breakfast With Christ - Why Worry?
TOPIC: WHY WORRY? SCRIPTURE: PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus".
Welcome to BWC. To be anxious is to be excessively worried and scared about everyday situations. As humans as we are, we like to worry about so many things. Some of the things we worry about don't actually exist. Today, God has a message for you.
God's message for you today is quite simple, "do not worry". Worrying is a total waste of emotions and energy. Worrying doesn't solve any of our problems. So why do we keep worrying? God doesn't want us to worry about anything.
Instead of worrying, God wants us to talk to Him in prayer. Too many times, we complain to God about our problems instead of actually talking to Him about them. Prayer isn't a time to complain to God. Prayer is an opportunity to trust God with our difficulties.
The best solution to worrying is faith. Complete faith in God. Faith that doesn't doubt. Faith that believes God is capable of the impossible. If we can put our faith in God, we wouldn't have to worry again. God is faithful.
When we hand over our struggles to God, He puts His peace in our hearts. For the world, peace is the absence of violence. But for us Christians, God gives us peace even in the midst of our troubles. The peace of God comforts us and gives us joy in the Lord.
Why worry when you have God? Today, move beyond your doubts and your fears and put your trust in God. Is there anything too hard for the Lord?