Breakfast With Christ - The God Of New Beginnings
TOPIC: GOD OF NEW BEGINNINGS SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 43:18-19 "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert".
Welcome to BWC. There are many of us who are trusting God for a fresh start this year. We want God to lead us in a new direction. We are trusting God to do new things in our lives. The truth is for God to do new things for us, we need to let go of the old things.
We can't move forward if we continue to focus on the past. We need to learn from the past but not focus on it. If you continue to focus on your past mistakes, you won't be able to see the new things God is doing in your life now.
Yes your relationship failed last year, but God is saying forget the former things because He is doing new things in your life. Yes you messed up last year and made a huge mistake, today, God says let it go. Forget about it and focus on what He is doing with your life now.
Don't let the issues of your past determine the direction of your future. God is not the God of the past. He is rebuilding you. He is restoring all the good things you lost. He is reorganizing your life. He is mending your broken heart. Don't remember the past. God is doing something new for you.
It is difficult to find water in the desert. It is difficult to find a way in the wilderness. But God says He is going to make the impossible, possible for you. He is the God of all possibilities. Remember not the former things. Something good is happening in your life now, focus on it.
Perhaps you had a terrible experience last year. It has left you with bitterness and pains. God is saying forget about it. He will turn your pains into a testimony for you. He is turning your life around. Just let go of the past and focus on God.
Don't give up on yourself. Don't give up on God. Don't get discouraged. God is doing something great in your life. Just trust Him and obey Him.
PRAYER LINE Lord, my trust is in you. Amen.