Breakfast With Christ - Only Jesus Saves
"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins".
Welcome to BWC. The name "Jesus" is the English version of the Greek name "Yesous". "Yesous" is the Geek version of the Hebrew name "Yeshua" which is translated "Joshua" in English. "Yeshua" is a popular Hebrew name which means "Saviour".
Our Lord was named "Yesous/Yeshua" to denote His special mission on earth. He was to save humanity from sin. There were religious leaders before Jesus Christ and there were more after Him, but none of them died and resurrected to save humanity from the stronghold of sin.
Only Jesus saves. Jesus, as part of the God-headed Body, has complete dominion over all things in Heaven and under Heaven. But He left His Glory to die for our sins. He paid a debt we could not pay. What excuse do we have not to live for Him?
Satan kills, Jesus saves. Satan doesn't offer any free gift. Jesus freely gave His life for us. To have life is to have Jesus Christ. To have Jesus Christ is to have eternal life. We are nothing without Jesus Christ.
If you are sick, only Jesus Christ can heal you. He is willing to heal you. Are you willing to surrender to Him? Only Jesus can mend your life. Only Jesus can give a meaning to your life. He is the Prince of Peace, only He can give you peace. Only Jesus can save you, no one else can.
Today, I urge you to give your life to this Wonderful Savior called Jesus Christ. He shall deliver you from your sins. He will change your life forever. No one comes to Jesus Christ and still remains the same. There is peace, joy and hope in Christ.
If you're already Born again, I want to encourage you to stand firm in Christ. There is no life outside Jesus Christ. Don't let the attractions of this world make you backslide. Nothing in this world is permanent. Live for Jesus Christ and you will never regret it.