Breakfast With Christ - House Cleaning
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting".
"You know when I'm right
I know You know when I'm wrong
You know where I go Lord
You know where I belong
You know what I do, yes
You know my secrets too
Lord search me, touch me, cleanse me
Through and through"(Heritage Singers).
As believers who are seeking to live for God, Psalm 139:23-24 must be our daily prayer. The song above from Heritage singers must be our daily plea to the Lord. We must not allow any hidden sin to keep us from seeing the glory of the Lord.
We must all engage in self introspection and make sure we are living right for God. Some of us have hidden unrepentant sins us, some of us have bitterness in our hearts, some of us are engaged in sinful relationships we need to break away from. There may be little things we are doing that are against the Word of God. We need to do a house cleaning.
Let's use the Word of God to search through our lives. The Word of God is the mirror that reflects our true selves to us and not what we pretend to be. We can conveniently pretend before men but God cannot be deceived. He sees all and knows all. It is time we allowed the Spirit of God to cleans us up thoroughly.
Are you engaged in any secret sin? Are you engaged in any sinful relationship? Are you keeping an evil company? Are you living a life of pretense? Are you being disobedient to the Word of God, please it is time to repent and allow God to work on you.
Sin will cost you everything including your soul. Don't tolerate any sin in your life, no matter how small it may appear. God's hatred for sin burns like hell fire. Allow the Spirit of the Lord to cleanse you today and save you from eternal destruction. God is merciful, just repent and He will forgive you.
Lord, please search me and cleanse me up. Amen