Breakfast With Christ - Wheat Among Weeds
Welcome to BWC. Jesus' parable of the Wheat and the weeds is a must read for every Christian. This wonderful parable clearly depicts the life of the believer in this world.
One day, a rich man planted good seeds. Whilst he slept, his enemies planted weeds among the seeds. His servants saw it and wanted to uproot the weeds but the master told them to leave it until the day of harvest when the weeds will be separated from the wheat and the weeds burned in a fire.
This parable typically explains the current situation of the people of God in this world. We live in a world which is full of darkness. Sin has been normalised. Humanity has departed from the Will of God. The believer is in the midst of a lot of evil. The pressure to conform is enormous.
Despite all the challenges, a true believer must stand for the Lord bearing in mind that the day of judgement is coming. We must make sure we don't give in to the pressure to conform to the worldly standards. The believer's standard is holiness and nothing else.
In a world which challenges the authority of God, the Christian must lift high the flag of Heaven. We must live a life that will challenge sinners to repent. We must not add up to the darkness. A believer must be separated from this world and sanctify himself/herself for God.
We must live in readiness for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must always be prepared to meet God. The Word of God and prayer must be our daily meal. A lifestyle of holiness must be our foremost priority.
Please don't be distracted by all the things happening around you. Keep yourself pure and Holy for the Lord. We live in troubling times but God knows how to take care of His own.
The judgement of God is near. Let's be ready.
Lord, please help me to live for you in this world. Amen.