Breakfast With Christ - Total Consecration (Part 3)
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God".
Welcome to BWC. In our previous BWC in our series "Total Consecration", we looked at how we can consecrate our spirits and souls to the Lord. Today, we look at the second level of consecration which is the consecration of our minds to God.
Our minds are the strongholds of our lives. Every activity starts from our minds. After we consecrate our spirit to the Lord and become born again, we need to work on our mind. We need to renew our mind. We cannot serve God if our minds are still full of carnal thoughts.
All carnal and sinful actions are born out of carnal thoughts. If we can win the battle of the mind, then we can win the battle of the flesh. Total consecration of our lives will only be possible if we renew our minds. Our thinking pattern must change from sinful thoughts to holiness.
Repentance and being born again must come with a transformation in our lives. Our lives cannot be transformed if we are still thinking the same way we were thinking when we were sinners. The mind of a truly born again Christian must be filled with thoughts of holiness, purity and righteousness.
How do we consecrate our mind? The Bible provided us an answer to this question in Colosians 3:2 "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things". After we get born again, the focus of our minds need to be on heavenly things. We cannot walk with God whilst possessing a carnal mind that focuses on earthly treasures and carnal pleasure.
To focus your mind on heavenly things is to focus your mind on living to please only God. If you can renew your mind and focus it on God, your life will be transformed. A holy living is only possible with a holy mind. The consecration of our minds is very important if we are to live a life that pleases God.
Today, I urge you to consecrate your mind to God by renewing it. Let go of all sinful thoughts and focus on God. Set your mind on how to live to please God rather than on how to acquire worldly possessions which are temporary. If your life as a Christian is not being transformed, it is because you haven't renewed your mind.
Lord, please help me renew my mind. Amen.