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Breakfast With Christ - Total Consecration (Part 2)




"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Welcome to BWC. This is the second part of the series we started in our previous BWC. Consecration is the total devotion of our life to God. There are basically four levels of consecration: consecration of our spirit, mind, heart and body to God. Today, we will focus on spiritual consecration.


Spiritual consecration has to do with the sanctification of our spirit and soul by God. This is a process that was started by Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. The Holy Spirit continues to play a vital role in the sanctification of the believer.

Spiritual consecration or sanctification starts from accepting the Lordship of Jesus Christ into our life. When we genuinely repent of our sins and accept Jesus into our lives, we instantly become spiritually consecrated to the Lord. The curse of sin is instantly broken by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are born again into Christ.

When we get born again, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who continues sanctifying us daily. Spiritual consecration is when we step out of the life of sin and step into the life of holiness in Christ Jesus. The life of a believer is a life of holiness. Without holiness, we cannot please God.

Today, I invite you to consecrate your soul and spirit to God by accepting Jesus Christ into your life. Only Jesus can change your life. He will take away the burden of sin and replace it with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Your life is never complete without Jesus Christ. You must be saved.

If you are already a believer but you have drifted away from the life of holiness in Christ, please repent and ask the Holy Spirit to sanctify you today. The life of holiness is a must for a Christian. Spiritual activities only draw us closer to God but it is the life of holiness that keeps us in the presence of God. You must be Holy.


Lord, please consecrate my spirit and my soul. Let me receive the joy of your salvation. Amen.

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