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Breakfast With Christ - The Life Of Godliness




"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship".

Welcome to BWC. Godliness is a life we live for God. Godliness is a Christian character. As believers, Godliness must permeate every facet of our lives. Godliness is the life we live outside the church room. Today, we look at two important aspects of our lives where we must be godly.


Unfortunately, many of us Christians have made it a habit of leaving God out of our relationships especially our love relationships. However, a godly person makes God the foundation of his/her relationships.

As believers, we need to keep godly relationships. A godly person cannot keep an ungodly relationship. We need to avoid sinful relationships. Any relationship which does not honour God is an ungodly relationship. Any relationship which leads us to sin is ungodly, we need to break such relationships if we want to live a godly life.

Our marriages have to be built on God. A marriage which is built on God will last. Godly partners develop a godly relationship. Any sexual relationship outside marriage is a sin and God expects us to avoid such relationships if we want to please Him.


As believers, we need to practice godliness at our work places or in our careers too. Corruption, pilfering and cheating are common practises in the world of work. But a believer must not be part of these. A believer must set a good example of honesty, sincerity and truthfulness in his/her job.

The truth is, you don't need to cheat anyone to succeed in your business. You don't need to be corrupt to succeed. God expects us to be truthful in all our dealings. If you want to live a godly life, you need to be genuine and honest in your business or career. God rewards honesty.

It is a difficult thing to be godly in a world full of darkness and ungodliness. The temptations to sin aplenty. But if we want to live a godly life that pleases God, we need to remain on the narrow road of righteousness with Jesus Christ.

In our next breakfast, we will look at how to be godly in an ungodly world. Be blessed.


Father, please help me to be godly. Amen.

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