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Breakfast With Christ - The Race Of Life




"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing".

Welcome to BWC. There is race that is set before each one of us by God. It is the race of life. In this race of life, we don't compete with anyone. Our time keeper is God himself. When our race is over, He will stop us and demand for accountability.

Our life's race ends when our breath ceases. Since that day is not known to us, it is very important that we are always prepared. Our Maker, God controls the start and the end of the race and He is expecting us to run a good race.

How well are you running this race of life? There are lots of things that seem important in this race of life but only one thing truly matters; Salvation. Are you saved by the blood of Jesus Christ? Have you forsaken your sins and all worldly pleasures to live for God?

Our race of life can end at any moment at all. Should your race of life end today, how prepared are you to face your God? The only way you can stand God's judgement is if you are for Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ is the only thing that qualifies us to pass God's judgement.

Don't be distracted from the race that is set before you by God. Don't overly get attached to worldly pleasures that you will forget that you will one day die and meet God. Focus on the Master of the race, Jesus Christ. Get to know Him and live for Him. A good race is a race that is run with Jesus Christ.

The reward for running a good race is that you will receive the crown of life from God. That is the highest honour from Heaven. So please, keep the faith, live to obey God's Word. No matter how hard it gets, hold on to your God.


Lord, please give me the Grace to finish the race that is set before me. Amen.

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