Breakfast With Christ - Our Comforter
"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever."
Welcome to BWC. The earthly ministry of Jesus spanned for about 3 years. Whilst He was on earth, Jesus was every thing to the disciples. Before He left, He promised to send them the Holy Spirit who will be with them forever. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended upon the believers.
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. One of the major roles of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is to be our comforter. The Holy Spirit is our special aid. The Holy Spirit is to assist us to live for God. Without the help of the Holy Spirit, we will fail in our Christian walk.
The Spirit of the Lord comforts us in our weaknesses. God knows us. He knows how fallible we are. So He gave us the Holy Spirit to give us strength when we are weak. Without the strength of the Holy Spirit, we won't be able to overcome temptations.
When we are troubled and afflicted, the Spirit of God comforts us. The spirit gives us the strength to endure all afflictions. When we feel like giving up, the Holy Spirit urges us to keep trusting in God the Father. As Christians, we are never alone. The Holy Spirit is always with us.
Perhaps you are struggling in your Christian life and you don't know what to do. You keep going back to that sin over and over again. You are so confused and frustrated. The good news is that you have a Comforter, the Holy Spirit who is there to help you live for God. Just pray and ask the Spirit to help you.
You are not alone. You have the Spirit of God with you always. When you need help, you can talk to the Holy Spirit. You need to develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit through prayer and Bible studies. The Holy Spirit is God's gift to His children.
Lord, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen