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Breakfast With Christ - All Is Vanity




"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Welcome to BWC. Vanity is defined as "excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements or the quality of being worthless or futile." In the whole Bible, vanity appeared 35 times. In the book of Ecclesiastes alone, Solomon used "vanity" 32 times in his writings.

Solomon was a wise and a wealthy man. He had all that anyone could ask for in this world. Yet he described all his earthly possessions as vanity. The things we are chasing for now are the things Solomon had but he considered all of them useless and unimportant.

Indeed, all earthly possessions are vanity. No matter how much property we acquire in this world, at the end of time, they won't matter. Wealth by itself isn't bad but putting our trust in the wealth is vanity. Our trust must only be in God.

Today's riches are tomorrow's rags. The things that are valuable today will be useless some time to come. An expensive phone today will be an outmoded phone tomorrow. Nothing lasts in this world. So why put your trust in the things of this world?

All is vanity, salvation must be the priority. At the end of time, the only thing that will matter is our salvation. It is not about how rich you are nor how much property you have. Are you saved through the Blood of Jesus Christ? Why spend so much time chasing earthly treasures that do not last and ignore your relationship with God?

Don't let the desire to get rich and comfortable take your focus and heart away from God. Let's focus on working on our salvation. Let's genuinely repent from our sins and walk faithfully before God. This is all that matters. All other things are just mere vanity. They will pass away. Salvation is the priority.


Lord, I surrender it all to you. Please help me focus on only You. Amen.

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