Breakfast With Christ - The Empty Tomb
"Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance."
Welcome to BWC. According to the Gospel, Jesus died and resurrected on the third day. The tomb of Jesus held Him back for two days but on the third day, the Spirit of God emptied the tomb.
Are there things in your life that are holding you back from God? Today, the Lord wants you to empty yourself of those things. On the third day of Jesus' death, an Angel rolled away the stone and Jesus had His resurrection. You need to break away from any thing that is holding you back from God, today.
When Jesus died and resurrected, He rolled away the stone of sin in your life. Now you need to empty yourself of any negative thing that is holding you back from God. There are so many of us who wish we could get closer to God but we are being held back by some negative habits, negative relationships, negative emotions. You need to empty yourself of those things today.
God didn't call us to be part time worshippers. God needs your full attention. Empty yourself of the anger, the unforgiveness, the bitterness and wholly surrender to God. Nothing in this world is worth sacrificing your eternal destiny for.
What is holding you back from God? It is not worth it. Let it go and give your life totally to God. Is it your love relationship? Please never let a human being take you away from God.
Are you overly focused on getting money that you have abandoned your God? Let nothing, absolutely nothing take your attention from God. Today, please empty yourself of all those negative habits and allow God to take control of your life. Stay blessed.
Lord, please help me empty myself of any negative thing that's keeping me away from you. Amen.