Breakfast With Christ - Allow God To Fix You
"But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."
Welcome to BWC. Our scripture today is an excerpt from a revelation God gave Prophet Jeremiah. There are lots of us today who are broken, disorganized and hope-less. Our lives seem to be turned upside down. Our dreams are broken, nothing seems to be working for us. All may seem gloomy now but God can fix you.
"You who are broken, stop by the potter's house
You who need mending, stop by the potter's house
Give Him the fragments of your broken life
My friend, the potter wants to put you back together again
Oh, the potter wants to put you back together again" By Tramaine Hawkins(The Potters House).
We are just like a pot in the hands of the potter. Sometimes, things may go wrong with the pot but the potter doesn't throw the unfinished pot away. The potter simply re-fix the marred pot. God, the Master Potter won't give up on you simply because you messed up or made a mistake.
Our mistakes don't define us, the Grace of God defines us. If you are in a mess or broken today, please know this; God can fix you. You need to allow God to fix you today. You made a mistake, yes, but that isn't the end of your life. God can fix you and give you a new beginning. Don't dwell in your mess.
If you are wondering how God can fix you, this is it. Just surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. Your mistakes don't scare God, His Grace is bigger than your sins. He is the Lord of Grace. Allow Him to fix your broken life.
Today, come to Jesus and repent from your sins and He shall fix you. God wants to fix you today. Just surrender. God can fix your broken relationships, your broken finances, your broken dreams, your broken health and everything else that is broken about you. There is nothing impossible for Him. Just allow Him to fix you.
Lord, please fix me. I surrender all today. Amen.