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Breakfast With Christ - How To Rise From A Fall




"Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place."

Welcome to BWC. In our previous BWC, we looked at what causes believers to fall from the faith. Today, we look at how to respond when you fall. Falling isn't ideal, but when you fall to sin, you need to rise again. Let us look at how three men in the Bible responded when they fell.


David was described as the "apple of God's eyes" not because he was perfect but he had the heart of repentance. One day, David slept with the wife of one of his soldiers and killed the woman's husband. This was a serious fall for the king. God sent a prophet to tell David to repent. David realized his mistakes and regretted it. More importantly, he quickly repented.


Peter was a disciple of Jesus Christ when the Lord was on earth. Peter was actually the most active of all the disciples. Yet, when times got hard, for three times, he denied ever knowing Jesus Christ. Peter had fallen. He regretted his actions and Jesus gave him the chance to repent after He resurrected from the grave.


Judas, just like Peter was a disciple of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, Judas' heart was corrupted and he allowed Satan to use him to betray Jesus. However, Judas, unlike Peter didn't have the heart of repentance. Judas couldn't handle the guilt and killed himself.

Whilst David and Peter showed us how to respond to a fall, Judas showed us how not to respond to a fall. The fact that you have fallen for a sin doesn't mean you should remain in the sin. You need to repent and get back to God. Repentance is the best way to respond to a fall. Regretting your mistakes without repenting from them is a waste of time.

We can all fall. It doesn't matter how spiritual you are. You can fall. Don't be too sure of yourself, rest in the Grace of God. When you fall, be quick to repent. Repentance isn't merely about asking God for forgiveness, you need to change from your old ways.

Don't let guilt and self pity make you remain on the ground when you fall. God always wants us to repent when we sin. Please get back to God today and receive His Mercy.

May Gracious and Merciful God give you the strength to stand firm and the Grace to repent if you fall. Amen.

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