Breakfast With Christ - You Don't Have Time
"See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
Welcome to BWC. We are in the era of evil. The god of this world, Satan is raging his final war against anything that is of God. Satan knows his time is almost up. It was for this reason that Apostle Paul admonished us to be wise and redeem our time.
The Greek word translated as "redeeming" is "exagorazo" which means to "rescue something or to save something from loss". To redeem the time simply means to save the time from being wasted. So how do we save our time? Simple, by making good use of it.
One of the deception of the evil one is to make us feel we have enough time on earth. The truth is we don't. We don't have time. We only have few years on earth to prepare adequately for eternal life after death.
Death isn't the end of life. Death is just the end of time. After we die we enter into an timeless period called "eternity" where we will be forever. There are only two options in the eternal world: Heaven or Hell. When we die, we will go to one of these places. Where we end up for eternity depends on how we use our time now.
If we spend all our time chasing after earthly pleasures and fulfilling the desires of our flesh, we will end up in hell. But if we spend all our time worshipping God and obeying His Word, we will surely end up in Heaven. We need to decide where we will spend our eternal life. We don't have much time here.
Don't ever feel you have enough time to get it right with God. You don't. The time to get it right with God is NOW. The time to live for God is NOW. The time to get serious with God is NOW. You need to decide where you will spend your eternity. Time is running out.
Lord, please I want to spend eternity with you when I die. Please help me to live for you for the rest of my life. Amen.