Breakfast With Christ - Whose Report Will You Believe?
"Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
Welcome to BWC. Whose report do you believe? Humans' report or God's report? In a world full of negativity, our minds are sometimes conditioned to receive and accept negative news. There are lots of negative things around us which run contrary to God's promise for our lives.
In Numbers 13, Moses sent twelve men to go and spy on the land of Canaan for the Israelites. Out of the twelve, only Caleb came back with a positive report. All the other eleven men gave a negative report of Canaan. The truth is the majority opinion is not always true. The voice of the majority is not always the voice of God. You don't always have to believe what everyone is saying.
In our scripture for today, Peter and his friends were on the sea all night but caught no fish. Everything showed they were going to go home empty handed that day. But Jesus stepped into the situation and gave them a different report. Peter looked at his negative situation but decided to trust Jesus' report. At the end, God rewarded him for his faith.
As Christians, the only report we must believe is God's report. There are many times that God's report will run contrary to our present circumstances but Apostle Paul declared in Romans 3:4 that let God be true but every man a liar. Only God's report is true. This is the only report we must hold on to.
God knows everything about us, whatever He says about us is final. Human beings can have their opinions but God always has the final say. God knows your future. Human beings only know your present circumstances. So whose report will you believe?
If God says you are healed by the blood of Jesus Christ, it means you are healed. It doesn't matter what your body tells you. God has the final say. If the Word of God says you are blessed, it means you are blessed. It doesn't matter what your current situation looks like. Don't always believe how you feel or what you see, always believe the Word of God.
Whose report will you believe? You are a Child of God, the Word of God is the only report you must believe. Whatever promise God made about your life will surely come to pass. God's Word is final. It doesn't matter your how present situation looks like, God's Word is greater than your situation. Let God alone be true in your final.
Lord, please help me to believe only in your report. Amen