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Breakfast With Christ - The Running Father




" So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him"

Welcome to BWC. The story of the prodigal son was a remarkable story told by Jesus Christ to teach us about the amazing love of God. One interesting thing about this story was how the prodigal son's father ran to meet his son when the boy decided to return home and ask for forgiveness.

In those days, it was shameful for a Jewish man to run and expose his legs. But the father didn't care.

The Jewish people also had the "ceremony of kezazah". This is done when a Jewish man leaves home to go and live with Gentiles. When he returns home, the elders would summon him and break a pot symbolizing the broken relationship between him and his family. The prodigal son's father decision to run to meet his son even before he entered the town broke two Jewish traditions. But the man wasn't bothered.

Just like the Prodigal son's father in the story, our Heavenly Father is always looking out for us to return to Him. God is that Father who wants His children to return to Him when they sin. Sin is the only thing that can separate a man from God.

God is always looking out for us to repent from our fornication, addictions, drunkenness, and all sinful acts. God is always ready to run to meet us when we decide to return to Him. God isn't waiting to punish us when we sin, He is waiting with His arms wide opened to welcome us back home.

The question is; are we willing to forsake our sins and return to God? The prodigal son's father was waiting for him, but if the boy hadn't decided to return home, he would have remained lost forever. Our journey back to God starts with a decision. A decision to go back to God and repent.

God has no problem forgiving us when we decide to return to Him in true repentance. Today, I want to urge you to make that decision to return to God. How long will you continue in your sins? How long will you continue to disobey God? Remember, the wages of sin is death. God is waiting for you with opened arms, please return to your Saviour today.


Lord, please have mercy on me and save me. Amen.

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