Breakfast With Christ - It Is Time To Rebuild
"And they said, Let us rise up and build".
Welcome to BWC. The full story of how Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem is found in the first seven chapters of the Book of Nehemiah.
The temple of God which was built by Solomon was destroyed and the walls of the city broken down completely. The city of God was in ruins. Years later, God empowered the people to rebuild the Temple. Yet the walls of the city were still down.
One day, Nehemiah, who was an Israelite but serving in the palace of the King of Persia, heard that the walls of his city were still broken. This got him sad. Nehemiah then prayed and God granted him favour to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Some of us have our walls broken down by the enemy. We were once strong Christians but somehow our walls have been broken done by the evil one and sin. We are neck-deep into sin. We no longer look or behave like Christians. The walls of our holiness are down. Sin has taken center stage in our lives. It is time to rebuild our walls. You can't continue this way.
Some of us have become dormant, prayerless, powerless and lukewarm believers. We have allowed sin to break down our walls and taken us away from God. We are no longer sure of our salvation. We are constantly walking in the fear of going to hell. It is time to arise from the mud of sin and rebuild.
It is time to rebuild our broken relationship with God. It is time to rebuild our dying prayer life. It is time to repent and get back to our God. No excuses, no hesitation, please rise up and get back to God now.
Your life may be in a mess now but God can rebuild you and restore you. Don't allow your life to be wasted. Please get back to God now. Surrender to God and allow Him to rebuild you. You can become whole again.
The first thing Nehemiah did after hearing of Jerusalem's broken walls was to pray. Prayer is the key. Please begin to pray now and repent of any sin that has held you back from God. Ask God to help you to rebuild your life. Please pray. God will answer you.
Lord, please rebuild my life. Amen.