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Breakfast With Christ - Pillow Of Stone




"When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep".

Welcome to BWC. Jacob and Esau were twins born to Isaac and Rebekah. Jacob was however the youngest of the twins. When Isaac was old and decided to bless his eldest son before dying, Jacob connived with his mother, Rebekah to steal Esau's blessings. This got Esau angry and he wanted to take his revenge.

Rebekah realized this and advised her younger son to run away to marry from her hometown. With the blessings of Isaac, Jacob left home. Whilst on his way, Jacob laid his head on a stone to sleep and he had a divine encounter with God through a dream. This encounter changed his life.

Three things worth noting:

1. God visited Jacob when he had moved out of his father's house.

2. God visited Jacob whilst he was still running away from his brother.

3. Jacob had that divine encounter with a stone as his pillow. Yes a stone.

One thing is sure, Jacob had his life changing divine encounter with God when he was in his most uncomfortable state in life. There are times God will not reveal His glory in your life until you come out of your comfort zone. The comfort zone is a nice place where nothing grows.

In Genesis 12, God called Abram out of his father's home. Abram obeyed in faith hence God blessed him. This is it, our greatest breakthrough in life comes when we decide to move out of our comfort zones. It was surely very uncomfortable for Jacob to lay his head on a stone to sleep, but that was when God visited him.

In his father's house, Jacob was under the total control of Isaac and Rebekah. But God needed him to move out of that control into the wilderness where he can depend on Him, God alone. Total dependency on God is necessary for a breakthrough in life. God wants you to depend on Him alone.

Are you going through some struggles now? Are you in a very uncomfortable situation in life? Don't worry, God is about to visit you. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the miracle. Your problems don't scare God. He is the God of all ages, there is nothing beyond Him.

The pains you are going through now will birth a miracle for you. All God wants is for you to depend on Him totally. Jacob encountered God on his pillow of stone, your struggles will lead you to a divine encounter with God. Keep praying, God is NOT dead. Stay blessed!


Lord, I depend on you totally. I have no one else but you. Amen.

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