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Breakfast With Christ - Lovers Of God




"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind".

Welcome to BWC. Do you honestly love God? We all depend on God's love to survive every day. But do we also love God? Is the love of God in our hearts? It is so easy to say Yes to these questions. But does your action portray your love for God?

In John 3:16, Jesus said "God so loved the world that He GAVE... " God didn't just proclaim His love for us through His words, He demonstrated His love for us by giving us His son. If you say you love God, what have you giving Him?

God isn't asking much from you, He is only asking you to give Him your life. You can't live just anyhow and still claim you love God. If you indeed love God, you will surrender your life to Him and live for Him.

If we indeed love God, we will:

1. Hate sin. We cannot continue living comfortably in sin and still claim we love God.

2. Serve Him. A lot of us spend time serving the world instead of God. If we truly love God we will reject this world and serve God in faithfulness.

3. Win souls. A lot of us take soul winning for a joke. But Soul winning is a command from God Himself. If we love God, we will win souls for Him.

Let's look into our hearts and see if we truly love God. Do you go to Church on Sundays because you love God or you go just to please the pastor? Why do you do what you in the house of God? What's your motive? Do you just want to please your pastor or you work in the House of God because you love God?

Our love for God is revealed in the motive behind what we do. Humans will continue to look at our actions, but God focuses on our motives. We must watch our motives. Everything we do must be because we truly love the Lord and not because we want to please people. We must be true lovers of God.


Lord, thank you for your love. Please help me to love you more each day. Amen.

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