Breakfast With Christ - The Language Of God
"If I have the gift of prophecy and can understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
Welcome to BWC. God has a language He speaks. Any time God sees a need, He speaks that language. Any time we sin, God speaks that language to us. Jesus' death on the cross for our sins was in demonstration of God's language. As followers of God, we also need to speak that language. That language is LOVE.
Apostle Paul was the man who wrote half of the New Testament. He possessed great spiritual authority and did so many things for God. He was an evangelist of great reputation. Yet, he declared that without love, all of his spiritual gifts count for nothing.
When God saw our helpless sinful state, He spoke the language of love to us. God is a loving Father. He continues to show us great love every day. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Every thing He does for us is done in love. Love is a language God speaks and understands.
No matter how spiritual we are, no matter how hard we labour for the Lord, if we have no love, our labour is in vain. There is no point, going to the house of God to worship Him if we can't show love to the people around us. God is love, if we claim we know God, we must love people.
Why do you keep bitterness in your heart? Why are you refusing to forgive that guy/lady who offended you? Why are you planning for someone's downfall? Why are you being selfish towards your friends? Where is your love? Where is your kindness?
Love must lead us. If we want to win the world for Christ, we must show love. The love of God. The love that forgives, the love that shows kindness, the love that shows humility. Love has to be the language every Child of God must speak. No hatred, no bitterness, no unforgiveness, we must speak God's language of LOVE. Stay blessed.
Lord, thank you for your amazing love. Please help me to love everyone unconditionally. Amen