Breakfast With Christ - Our Commitment To Christ
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Welcome to BWC. How committed are you to Jesus Christ? How committed are you to the work of God? Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. Commitment involves dedication and sacrifice.
Matthew 22:37, "Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind". This is the highest level of commitment. This is the level of commitment God requires from His children. We are to place God over everything else. When it comes to God, nothing else must matter.
So many of us spend time worrying about the cares of this world that God has become second in our lives. Our live is all about work, food, comfort and money. That's all. God is second priority. This is commitment to worldly things and not commitment to Jesus Christ. We need to repent.
Being committed to Christ involves placing His needs before ours. Serving our eternal Master, Jesus Christ has to be our top priority. Our hearts and souls need to burn with the desire to do God's work. We truly need to live for Christ. If we truly love God, we would be committed to Him.
Being committed to Christ is a decision to be faithful to Him no matter how hard it will be. If you are a Christian, you won't have it easy in this world. Troubles will come, you will pass through challenges, you will be tempted to give up on God. But you don't have to.
We spend time each day, putting our requests before God and we always expect Him to answer us. But how committed are we to Him? How serious are we about doing His work? God knows our hearts, we cannot remain in unrepentant sins and still expect Him to answer our prayers.
Brethren, Jesus died and saved us so that we can live our lives for Him. We need to get committed to Jesus. There is no relationship without commitment. We need to choose God above our own comfort. We need to be totally committed to the work of God.
Lord, please help me to be totally committed to you. Amen.