Breakfast With Christ - Saved To Save
"He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
Welcome to BWC. When was the last time you told someone about Jesus Christ? Are you actively involved in doing the work of God or you are just a church going believer? What are you doing for God?
The focus of Jesus' life on earth was to save humanity from sin and establish the Kingdom of God on earth. He did the greater part of the work by dying to save us. He is now in Heaven. He left the rest of the job for us His followers to complete.
The last command Jesus gave us before departing this earth is for us to preach His Gospel to all creation. That wasn't an advice, Jesus wasn't asking us for a favour. He was commanding us to do His Work. Failure to obey this last command from our master will be a huge disobedience.
Jesus saved us so that we can also reach out to others and save them. But what we mostly have today are Christians who only think Christianity is about sitting in their little corner and living their own personal Christian life. We go to church, we read our Bibles, we pray, that's all. We don't even try to do what Jesus told us to do.
Truth is, if the earlier missionaries who received the Gospel, had decided to sit in their country and live their own personal life, the Gospel would never have reached us. We would have still be in darkness and perish.
It took the efforts and the pains of someone to get you the Gospel, so why are you refusing to also share this Gospel with others? Have you become too busy to share God's Word? Have you become too busy caring about your own life that you have ignored the Work of God? What are you doing for God?
No one keeps a good news to him or herself, so why are dragging your feet when it comes to sharing the good news of Christ with others? You have a friend who is not saved, have you told him/her about Jesus Christ? God through His Grace saved you so that you can also save others. If you are not doing this, you are disobeying God.
Today, God is calling you to wake up from your slumber and do His work. The clock is ticking. Time is running out. The Gospel of Christ has to be preached and it is our duty to preach it. Make God's work a priority in your life. God is counting on you. Please don't disappoint Him.
Lord, please my life is available to you. Please use me. Amen.