Breakfast With Christ - True Repentance
"“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
Welcome to BWC. Through out the Bible, one very important theme that is so common is REPENTANCE. Today, let's look at exactly what repentance means.
The word "repent" as used in the Holy Scriptures is from the Greek word “metanoia” which means a change of mind. When stretched, repentance also means a change of heart. Though repentance is a reoccurring theme in the Bible, unfortunately, this theme is hardly preached in our church meetings now.
To repent from sin means to change one's mind about sin. Repentance goes with change. There cannot be a repentance without change. Repentance doesn't mean to confess your sins. Repentance doesn't mean to ask for forgiveness. Repentance means to CHANGE.
The Bible clearly makes it known that we cannot enter Heaven with an unrepentant sin. We need to genuinely repent from every sin in our lives. Repentance is marked with brokenness. To repent is to come to that point when you feel sorry for your sins and you CHANGE.
These days, all we do is to feel sorry and ask for forgiveness but we do not change. Many of us have hidden unrepentant sins in our hearts. We ask for forgiveness several times but we haven't changed. We keep going back to the same sin. Forgiveness is NOT repentance. Unless we truly repent, we will perish.
If you keep repeating the same sin over and over again, it is a clue that you haven't repented from it. You cannot repent from your sins and still continue in the same sin. Many a time, we blame our weak flesh for failing us, but that isn't an excuse.
When we sin, we need to truly feel sorry and repent. God requires from us that we repent when we sin. It is only a truly changed heart that pleases God, A heart that has turned away from sin to God is a repented heart.
Today, please search your heart, is there any sin in your heart that you haven't truly repented from? You might have asked for forgiveness, but have you truly repented from that sin? You cannot change on your own, you need to admit your sins before God and ask Him to help you to change. Without true repentance, we will not see God. Stay blessed.
Father, I am truly sorry for my sins, today, I duly repent from my sins, please forgive me and help me never to return to them again. Amen.