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From Grace To Grass: The Fall Of King Saul


The story of how King Saul quickly moved from God's anointed to God's rejected has a lot of lessons for us. The story of Saul started from 1 Samuel chapter 8 through to the end of chapter 31.

Before Saul became Israel's first king, the nation of Israel was mainly led by Judges and Priests. God was their King. It however got to point where the people of Israel demanded for a human king. This saddened Samuel, who was the Priest at that time. Samuel took the people's request before God and God wasn't happy with their demand. Nevertheless, God granted their request and ordered Samuel to anoint Saul as Israel's king.

The first thing we need to note is that Saul was chosen by God himself(1 Samuel 12:13). God anointed Saul to be king. The spirit of the Lord was with Saul and he won battles for God's people. In the first year of his reign, everything went pretty well. However, after two years of being a king, Samuel made a grave mistake which will eventually lead to his downfall.

One day, the Philistines attacked Israel, Samuel was to perform a sacrifice to God before Israel will fight, King Saul waited for the Priest to come but Samuel delayed. After seven days, Saul decided to perform the Sacrifice himself. By doing this, he failed God's test. Only the Priest of God had the authority to perform sacrifices to God. Samuel later came and got angry with the king. Samuel then told King Saul that God has taken his throne from Him(1Samuel 13:8-14)

Again, Saul's second sin came in 1 Samuel 15:1-11. God ordered Saul to attack the Amalekites and destroy everything in the city. Samuel went and decided to spare the life of the King of Amalek and he also took away their animals. By doing this, Saul once again disobeyed God.

This time, God greatly regretted choosing Saul(1 Samuel 15:11). The throne of Israel was now fully taken away from Saul. This was the beginning of the end of Saul. So how did a man who was chosen and anointed by God fall that low?


Among all the things that Saul did wrong, his major mistake was to disobey God. Disobedience is a sin God highly hates. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and God sacked them from the Garden. Lot's wife disobeyed God and she turned into a pillar of salt. Moses disobeyed God and he never entered the Promise land.

For us today, we need to learn from the fall of King Saul. No matter how anointed you are, no matter how spiritual you are, God will reject you if you live in disobedience. You cannot walk with God and not obey His word. Saul rebelled against God and God rejected him. If we want to walk with God and get to our destination, we need to lean to obey every command of God. We must always seek to do the Will of God.

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