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Breakfast With Christ - Are You Led By The Spirit?




"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God"

Welcome to BWC. To be born again means to be born by the Spirit of God. When we get born again, we receive the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is meant to help us live for God. But it is one thing having the spirit of God and it is another thing being led by the Spirit.

To be led by the Spirit of God is to yield the control of your life to the Holy Spirit. Does the Holy Spirit control your life? Which role does the Spirit of God play in your daily life? Do you consult the Holy Spirit before making important decisions about your life? Do you even have any relationship with the Holy Spirit? These are few questions we all need to honestly answer.

The Bible clearly stated that those who are led/directed/controlled by the Holy Spirit are the Sons/daughters of God. You cannot be a Christian without being led by the Spirit of God. We belong to God, we cannot just live anyhow. Our bodies belong to God. To be led by the Spirit is to allow God to guide you in making decisions about your life.

When you are led by the Spirit of God, sin no longer becomes desirable to you. You focus totally on pleasing God. You don't willingly give in to the desires of your flesh. The spirit of God doesn't lead us into sin, we actually lead ourselves into sin.

In Romans 8:8, the Bible says those who are in the flesh CANNOT please God. To be in the flesh is to focus on the sinful desires of your flesh. Do you want to please God, then allow the Spirit of God to lead you. To be carnally minded is death. We cannot live for God if we focus on our flesh desires.

As Christians, we are called to live for God. We are to separate ourselves from the sins of this world and live a holy life for God. Without holiness, we will never see God. We can go to church and participate in all religious activities, but if we don't overcome our carnal desires and allow the Spirit of God to lead us in Holiness, we are not for God. Stay blessed!


Lord, I belong to you. Today, I yield my life to the control of the Holy of the Holy Spirit. Please help me to live for you. Amen

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