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Breakfast With Christ - Seeds Among Weeds




"Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared".

Welcome to BWC. Today, we look at an interesting parable Jesus told His followers by a lake. It is popularly called the Parable of the Weeds. Please read the meaning of this parable in Matthew 13: 37-39.

The main lesson to pick from this parable is that we are living in the days of evil. It will be very erroneous for us to think that this world is a safe place. Evil surrounds us, wickedness reigns in this world. The love of many have grown cold.

The Children of God are like seeds amongst weeds. It is even more difficult to stand for God now. The forces of distraction around us are always trying to take our focus away from God. We live in perilous times when being a Christian is very difficult.

One of the most difficult challenges every Christian faces now is the challenge of standing for Christ in holiness in the midst of this wayward generation. However, remaining faithful till the end is the only way we will have eternal life in Heaven. So just how do we survive among the weeds? How do we stand for Christ and not backslide?

To stand for Christ, we need to do two things:

1. We need to always put God first.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus commanded us to seek first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness. What this means is that at all times, we need to put God first even ahead of our own personal desires. If we can learn to make pleasing God our priority, we would be able to stand for Christ. It is not about us anymore, it is about Christ in us. We need to live to do the Will of God.

2. To stand for Christ in this generation, we need to always remember that we have a place to go after we die. This is one thing most of us often forget. This earth is not our home. We will by all means die one day. We need to live as strangers here. We are being prepared for a Heavenly home. But if we don't stand firmly for Christ now, we might never get to that Heavenly home.

No matter what we do on this earth, we need to always remember that there is a Heaven to go and a Hell to avoid. Standing for Christ now might cost us everything, it might cost us friends, relationships and our comfort. But at the end, it will be worth it.

Don't give up in your walk with God, no matter what the temptations may be or the pressure to conform, please keep standing for God. May the Lord give you strength to stand. Amen.


Lord, no matter how difficult it may get, please help me to stand for you. Amen

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