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Breakfast With Christ - Developing A Christian Character (Part 1)




"But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its desires."

Welcome to BWC. Today, we start a journey into how we can develop a Christian character. There are lots of people who feel that getting born again is all that matters. However, being born again is just the beginning of the Christian journey not the end of the journey. Once we receive Christ, it is very necessary that we develop the Christ-like character.


The word "Christian" has been used only three(3) times in the New Testament: Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16. A Christian literally means "a follower of Jesus Christ". The term was first used by the people of Antioch to describe the disciples of Jesus Christ.

It is very important to note that the disciples themselves didn't profess to be Christians. They were described as Christians by the unbelievers because they lived like Christ. The ultimate goal of Christianity is for our lives to be modelled after the life of our Master Jesus Christ.

Fasting, praying, Bible studies and church going are all good practices but these are just religious practices, they don't make us Christians. What really makes us Christians is our ability to live like Christ. However, we cannot live like Christ if we don't have the life of Christ.

Accepting Jesus Christ into our lives by itself doesn't make us automatic Christians, it only means we are saved. Living like Jesus Christ is what makes us Christians. For us to live like Christ, we need to develop the character of Christ.


Basically, our character is who we are. Our character defines us. We cannot be Christians if we don't put off our old sinful character and develop a Christ-like character. Our character is what people see. It is very important that we live like Jesus Christ.

In Ephesians 5:1, Paul said, "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children". To imitate God is to develop a godly character. To develop a godly character is to live like Jesus Christ.

Brethren, the questions we should all be answering as Christians are; are we living like Jesus Christ? Do people see Jesus Christ in us? Are we just Christians by name or we are Christians by character? Let us remember that Christianity isn't a title we bear, it is a life we live to the Glory of God. If you say you are a Christian, then you must live like Jesus Christ. Stay blessed!


Lord, to be like you is my desire. Please develop a Christ like character in me. Amen.

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