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Breakfast With Christ - Our Greatest Need




"For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

Welcome to BWC. If you were to be asked, "what is your greatest need"? What will be your answer? Many of us would have looked through our many physical needs and mention one of them. For some, it is good health, for others it is wealth, for others too it is job. Our physical needs change depending on our circumstances. Yet, for all of us, our greatest need is JESUS CHRIST.

"I need thee, oh, I need thee;

Ev’ry hour I need thee!

Oh, bless me now, my Savior;

I come to thee!"

This is the chorus of the Christian Hymn written by Annie Hawks in 1872.

Jesus Christ is the fountain of our lives. He is the Alpha and Omega of our lives. In Him, we exist. Jesus isn't just our life giver, He is our Life. There is nothing we can do without Jesus. Jesus is our greatest need.

We cannot be saved from sin without Jesus Christ. Without Jesus, we will never get to Heaven. Jesus is our healer, He is our lover, He is our provider, He is our protector, Jesus is our sufficiency. Jesus is our everything. What can we do without Jesus Christ?

If you need wealth, you need Jesus first. If you need good health, you need to get Jesus first. Whatever you need on this earth and beyond, they are all found in Jesus Christ. It is safer to die than to live without Jesus Christ. There is no life without Jesus.

Is Jesus your greatest need? We need to wake up every day knowing that we need Jesus every second of the day. How can we breathe without Jesus? How can we live without Jesus? How can we survive without the love of Jesus? In Jesus lies the fullness of God.

The more you know Jesus, the more you fall in love with Him. If you don't have Jesus, please today, I am urging you to get to know this wonderful Man called Jesus Christ. Whatever your burden is, you can lay it at the feet of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, He shall give you peace. Jesus is the Lamb of God, He shall comfort you. Jesus is the Lion of Judah, He shall protect you. Don't hesitate, please run to Jesus today. If you already have Him, please worship Him in truth and be faithful to Him at all times. Jesus is our greatest need. Stay Blessed.


All to you Lord, I surrender. Amen.

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Accra, Ghana

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