Breakfast With Christ - Immanuel
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
Welcome to BWC. Today, we look at the name IMMANUEL. About 700 years before Christ was born, Prophet Isaiah prophesied about Him. According to Isaiah, the saviour of the world would be called Immanuel.
Immanuel is a Hebrew name which means "God with us". The word "Immanuel" actually appeared only three(3) times in the Bible; Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 8:8 and Matthew 1:23.
In truth, after Jesus was born, no one actually called Him Immanuel. So why did Isaiah prophesy that He will be called Immanuel? Why did the angel tell Joseph in Matthew 1:23 that the Savior will be called Immanuel?
Jesus is the physical manifestation of the invisible God. Jesus is God in the flesh. By giving Jesus the name Immanuel, God was telling us that He is with us. Humanity was used to praying to an invisible God in Heaven but when Jesus was born, that invisible God came down to live among men.
Hence, Immanuel was a role Jesus came to play not really a name He was to be called. For us today, we need to believe that God is with us. In everything we do, God is with us. When we pass through the fire or through the troubling water, God is with us.
God is always with us. When we are sick, He is with us. When we are weak, He is with us. When we are going through a difficult time, God is with us. Even though we can't see Him, He is with us. If you feel lonely, know that God is with you. Don't be discouraged, God is with you, and He will be with you till the end of time. Stay blessed!
Lord, thank you for your presence in my life. I know you are with me. Amen.