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Breakfast With Christ - Living For God (Part 5)



TEXTS: MATTHEW 17:41-21, MATTHEW 26:41, PSALM 119:105

Welcome to BWC. This is the final part of our series on "Living for God". Today, we look at three essential elements in our walk with God: FASTING. PRAYER. BIBLE STUDIES.

FASTING(Matthew 17:21)

"However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Fasting is very important in our walk with God. Fasting is abstaining from all forms of physical pleasure to focus on God in prayer. Fasting is often associated with abstaining from eating and drinking.

In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to fast on certain occasions. In the New Testament, after Jesus was baptized, He went into the wilderness to fast for forty days. Fasting without prayers is mere starvation. Fasting enables us to focus on God in prayer. We however need to fast with a clear purpose in mind.

PRAYER(Matthew 26:41)

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak".

Prayer is another essential habit we need to develop if we want to live for God. According to C. H Spurgeon, "Prayer is the address of a poor creature on earth to a great and loving father in Heaven". Prayer is a devotion to God. Prayer enables us to totally depend on God. Prayer gives us strength. We simply cannot survive without praying. Nothing gets us closer to God more than prayer. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.

BIBLE STUDY(Psalm 119:105)

" Your Word is a lamp on to my feet and a light on to my path".

The Bible contains the Mind of God. If you want to know what God thinks about a particular issue, just read the Bible. The Word of God instructs us on how to live. We cannot live for God without spending time reading His Word. Daily Bible studies is a habit we all need to develop.

Brethren, we cannot grow in our Christian life if we don't have a daily devotion with God in prayer and Bible studies. Occasionally, we need to add fasting it. Fasting however must not be done just for the sake of fasting, we need to have a clear purpose for fasting. Today, I encourage you to spend time with God daily and He will strengthen you. Stay blessed!


Lord, please help me to develop the discipline of spending time with you daily in prayer and Bible studies. Amen.

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