Breakfast With Christ - Living For God (Part 4)
20 "In a large house there are vessels not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use.
21"Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."
Welcome to BWC. This is the fourth part of our series on "Living for God". Today, we look at how we can become useful vessels in the house of God
"Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living Sanctuary for You"
This is the verse one of a song written by Randy Lynn Scruggs. I believe the words of this song need to be our daily prayer.
To live for God, we need to become useful vessels in the house of God. We need to be prepared to work for God. The question I want each one of us to ponder over is this: "What Am I doing for God"? Are you at the Master's service?
Working for God has to be a conscious activity. There are lots of us Christians who are just too busy to do anything for God. We keep giving excuses upon excuses but our God never gives us excuses when it comes to blessing us. If we truly love our Lord, we will gladly do His work.
Brethren, we need to always remember that when we die and stand before our God, we will be rewarded for the work we did for God whilst on Earth. Our work for God is the only thing that will follow us to the judgement day.
Please don't drag your feet when you are called to work for God. Don't hesitate to say Yes to God's work. God is always good to us, we can't repay Him back, the least we can do is to work for Him.
Again, please let me ask you, what are you doing for God? What service are you offering to the God who protects you everyday? Don't just be a church going Christian, please do something for God whilst you still have breath. Stay blessed.
Lord, please prepare me to be a useful vessel for your kingdom. Amen.