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Breakfast With Christ - Faithfulness



TEXT: ACTS 1:21-22

Welcome to BWC. Today, we look at an extremely important Christian virtue: Faithfulness. In Galatians 5, Paul mentioned faithfulness as one of the fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness means being completely loyal to someone or something no matter the circumstances.

As Christians, we cannot walk with God without being faithful at all times. Being faithful to God isn't an option, it is a major requirement of being a Christian. In fact, A Christian who is not faithful to Jesus Christ isn't a Christian at all. In every area of our lives, we need to be faithful. Faithfulness is so important that the first two commandments God gave to His people in Exodus 20, were based on faithfulness to God.

Our faithfulness to God isn't based on circumstances. We can't be faithful only when it is comfortable to be so. To be faithful means to be loyal to God even when it is very difficult to do that.

In our Biblical text for today(please read it), the Apostles of Jesus decided to replace Judas Iscariot. They had only one criteria; the person had to be FAITHFUL to the course of Christ. Only two men fulfilled that criteria, Matthias and Barsabas. At the end, they chose Matthias. It is very interesting that among all the criteria they could use, they had to use faithfulness as the only qualification of being among the twelve Apostles.

In some of Paul's letters, he made mention of some men who he described as "faithful Ministers of God". Three of these men were Tychicus(Eph 6:21), Epaphras(Col 1:7) and Onesimus(Col. 4:9). These were unpopular men but their names were mentioned in the Bible because of their faithfulness to God.

Brethren, God has called us to live a life of complete faithfulness to Him. God is ever faithful to us. The question is: are we being faithful to our God? In our next BWC, we will look at how we can be faithful to God. Stay blessed!


Lord, please help me to be faithful to you. Amen.

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